Posts Tagged: spain

Interview: The Street Art Sanctuaries of Okuda San Miguel

From abandoned railways to a 16-story building, Okuda San Miguel has been landscaping the world with art since 1997, taking low places to great heights.

Interview: The Street Art Sanctuaries of Okuda San Miguel

From abandoned railways to a 16-story building, Okuda San Miguel has been landscaping the world with art since 1997, taking low places to great heights.

Glamour Behind Glass: Antonio Iglesias (Vinçon)

If Holly Golightly had gazed into the Tiffany window at silver dangling from taxidermy or coiled around cigarette butts, the jewelry giant would perhaps breath a very different image as would the film title. The display in that scene, paired

Glamour Behind Glass: Antonio Iglesias (Vinçon)

If Holly Golightly had gazed into the Tiffany window at silver dangling from taxidermy or coiled around cigarette butts, the jewelry giant would perhaps breath a very different image as would the film title. The display in that scene, paired